
You can use the add-in without the licence up to 30 days as a trial software. After this period the add-in will be limited and you should buy a licence or uninstall it.

There are 3 kinds of licences:

  • 1-year licence provides entitlement for one-year period and download updates and new versions.
  • 2-years licence provides entitlement for two-years period and download updates and new versions.
  • time unlimited licence provides entitlement for unlimited period and download updates and new versions.

In case you buy a licence, you will obtain licence key that is usually valid for one year (depends on licence type). If your licence is valid for larger period of time then the new licence key will be sent to you in advance. When the licence key expires the add-in will work under limited conditions and you should buy a new licence or uninstall the product.

Licence key can be private or shared. The principle is the same as Sparx EA defined.

Licences are sold for a specific company. Licence key can be used by all employees of this company (no matter how many employees the company has). On the other hand, subcontractors and other partners must obtain their own licences if they want to use this add-in.


New licence

  • 1-year: 15 000 CZK* (approx.** 600 EUR)
  • 2-years: 21 000 CZK* (approx.** 840 EUR)
  • time unlimited: 29 000 CZK* (approx.** 1160 EUR)

Prolongation of the licence during the period when licence is valid

  • 1-year prolongation: 6 000 CZK* (approx.** 240 EUR)

You can buy Cheeky EA Connector for Jira add-in in our eShop.

*Prices are without VAT.
**The prices in EUR are approximate, the exact value is shown in eShop.