Our products
Cheeky EA Connector for Jira
Cheeky EA Connector for Jira – Connection of world of issues in Jira and models in Sparx Enterprise Architect. Write stories in Jira, model your solution or analysis without any constraints in Sparx EA.
Sparx Enterprise Architect is popular modelling tool. It can help you with the project delivery from the beginning till the end. And at the beginning of such a project are requirements, use cases or – in case of SCRUM – user stories.
Sparx EA knows requirements and use cases but know nothing about user stories. Until now. Use our add-in named Cheeky EA Connector for Jira and your life will be easier.
MDG Technology for IDesign
MDG Technology for IDesign is prepared for Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect. It is used by software architect who wants to apply IDesing method, primarily system design.
It brings new elements, a diagram type and a toolbox definition.
Usage of the MDG technology is for free.
Active Diagrams
Active Diagrams – Model in Sparx EA, write documents in MS Word and connect the document with diagrams in EA. Will be available during 2021.