We proudly announce that add-in named Cheeky EA Connector for Jira® that connects your issues in Atlassian Jira with Sparx Enterprise Architect repository is ready in its very first version. What can you expect? Here are the major highlights:

  • Synchronizing user stories (or more precisely Jira issues) from Jira to Sparx EA.
  • Metadata of issues is stored together with the issue in Sparx EA repository.
  • Getting synchronized again, current elements in EA are just updated, not replaced.
  • Set of issues that you want to have in EA is defined by JQL.
  • Elements (Jira issues) can be placed on diagrams and connected (typically with realization relationship) with other elements in the model. When synchronizing again, no such relationships are deleted!
  • You can track changes between particular synchronization (using baselines in EA).
  • You can see the synchronized issues without being connected to Jira.

If you visit the product page, you can see screenshots, licence information and price plans. For everyone is also ready 30-day trial version. Should you have any questions do not hesitate to ask them on info@capricornpro.com or fill in our contact form. Licences can be bought in our e-shop.


Very first release of Cheeky EA Connector for Jira®